Thursday, November 12, 2009

Clarins UV Plus Day Screen High Protection SPF 40 1 oz

Product Details
  • Size: 1 oz
  • Brand: Clarins

Customer Reviews

holy mother of all spf's!5
Some might think that any spf higher than 15 would be goopy, stiff, and leave a white film on your skin. Not so with this product. It is actually very runny, not clumpy and muddy. It is white in color and has a subtle, pleasant scent (a breezy smell, if you will, with just a hint of that "spf" smell). It is very moisturizing, somewhat mattifying, and works well with makeup. It is better to apply with quick patting motions of the finger tips, rather than rubbing, as the product may cake up on itself. Take extra care to give it a minute to soak in, and check for tell-tale white streaks. The only reason this product will look "milky" on your skin is because it was not applied evenly (so it's YOUR fault!!) in that case, just pat pat pat a little more to solve the problem.

Best Face Sunscreen5
My son and I have ultra-sensitive skin (I've had skin cancer on my face twice), and this is the the best sunscreen for the face I've ever tried. I do not break out from it, as long as I wash it off in the evening. As far as how it feels, as I said, I have sensitive skin, so I can feel it a little. I prefer nothing at all on my face - even makeup bothers me. But compared to all the other sunscreens I have tried, this feels the lightest. When I have to go out in the sun, this is my #1 choice.

I also use it on my son, who takes photosensitive medication for a chronic illness. Where other sunscreens make him break out in rashes, this stuff gives him no reaction. I can put it on him in the morning, send him to school, and he comes back without a sunburn. Recess after recess, the stuff works.

I owe it all to my big sister, who generously gave me her bottle to try! Thank you, TG!

great product5
This feels light on the face and pleasant to use. It is a great product if you are allergic to most sunscreen ingredients. It would be nice though if it was a little less expensive.

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