Wednesday, October 14, 2009

philosophy | hope in a jar | world-famous daily facial moisturizer cream

Product Description

philosophy:you need this product if...

  • you want to give your skin a drink of water, not a cup of oil
  • your skin is normal with a traditional t-zone
  • your skin is sallow and you want it to be more rosy
  • your skin is sun damaged
  • you like a moisturizer that is lightweight and non-greasy
  • you want skin that is makeup optional

  • Product Details

    • Size: 2 ounce
    • Brand: philosophy

    Customer Reviews

    This moisturizer works!5
    Like most women of a certain age, I have bought many brands of moisturizers and spent way too much money on stuff that just plain did nothing for me. With each purchase I had hoped that I would find a moisturizer that would actually DO something positive for my skin. Some moisturizers were too oily resulting in break outs or a patent leather shine (ugh). Most were irritating and perfumey resulting in red, blotchy skin. None did anything for my enlarged pores or lines. Finally, skeptically, I tried philosophy's hope in a jar. I LOVE IT! Your skin will be moisturized but not greasy. It did not irritate my extremely sensitive skin. My skin looks radiant and much less red. My fine lines are reduced and my enlarged pores look better. I like hope in a jar better than Estee Lauder, Elizabeth Arden, Clinique, Celex C, Avon, Mary Kay, Clarins, Biotherm, Prescriptives, Oil of Olay and even La Mer. Try hope in a jar. You'll be a happy, repeat customer, too.

    Is What It Says, "Hope" in a Jar5
    This has been my daily moisturizer for several years. It makes my skin very soft, very healthy looking, and glowing. It makes me look radiant. I have given it as a gift to my sister and to other women, and they have all liked it as much as I have. No one has had any adverse reactions. You can notice a difference after just one use. When I've run out and used something else temporarily, I always can see the difference again once I start back up. It is as close as it gets to a miracle cream.

    I do not wear makeup, so Hope In A Jar is it. I am 49 years old and I think my skin looks incredible. The friends I have given it to also like to keep a natural look and prefer their skin without heavy creams, thick moisturizers and sunscreens, or makeup.

    The women I know who are fans of Hope In A Jar are like me. We're kind of lazy no-fuss "one cream that does it all" people; instead of one jar of something for one thing, and another for something else---eye creams, night time moisturizers, daytime moisturizers, etc.---we're the type that wants just one that can do the job and then be done with it. In other words, we don't have the patience to fuss with our looks a lot, or to spend money buying bunches of different creams to keep track of and remember to use.

    Unlike other reviewers, I love the smell, which is not perfumey, but definitely pleasantly distinctive. I use it around my eyes also, and have not had an allergic reaction. It seems, though, that these are the two biggest problems with Hope---the distinctive odor and allergic reactions among some people. I would suggest buying it the first time from somewhere you could return it if you don't care for it; although in my opinion, this would be unlikely, apparently it is possible. Philosophy now makes another version of Hope In A Jar for sensitive skin; if you know that your skin in tempermental, perhaps it would be better to also try this version. I have stuck with Hope In A Jar because it works so well for me.

    It seems expensive, but it is not because it lasts a long, long time. The two-ounce jar lasts me about six months. I use a toner and then Hope In A Jar and that's it. I'm done with my face in 30 seconds. Plus, it gives me a look that most women use makeup to get, so I think it's a bargain.

    Like Water for your Skin5
    I have sensitive skin. I was apprehensive about purchasing a new moisturizer. I had been a DEDICATED neutragena user for over like 20 yrs. Anyway, Hope in a Jar is fabulous. It feels like cream but quickly dissolves into a water like substance once it hits your skin. Super moisturizing. You never feel like you need to re-apply later. If you're prone to acne then also get Hope in a Bottle. You cannot go wrong with purchasing ANY Philosophy products and I should know b/c I own a whole bunch of them!

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