Tuesday, October 13, 2009

philosophy - jump starters kit - philosophy best sellers for radiant skin

Product Description

philosophy:you need this product if...

  • you are unhappy with your current skincare
  • you want to jump start your skincare routine
  • you want skin that is makeup optional
  • you want to introduce philosophy skincare to a friend

  • Product Details

    • Size: 4-piece
    • Brand: philosophy

    Customer Reviews

    This starter kit is incredible. To buy all these products alone would be much more expensive so the price is wonderful. Also the products themselves are AMAZING. I have tried so many products and this system is by far the best. You not only see a difference but immediately your skin feels amazing. This product is highly recommended.

    One of the BEST!5
    Okay so I bought this off the infomercial which I normally never do but I wanted to try it anyways. SOOOO glad I did. I'm 25 and I grew up in California in the 80's before we knew about skin damage/cancer risks. So my parents always though sunscreen is only for people that burn. Well, now I am starting to get minor necklines and when I get tired I do get a little puffy and dark circles under the eyes. One of the best decisions I made. It smells AWESOME, and it's not greasy, plus you only need a nickel size to clean your whole face with purity and just a dab of hope in a jar. My face is brighter and more even, no more circles or puffiness and it feels sooo soft! Plus my lines are starting to lighten to where most people can't see them. A+ I know it's pricy for us working jane-shomo's but you'd be doing a dis-service to yourself not getting it!

    Philosophy Jump Starters Kit4
    I have really enjoyed the philosophy jump starters kit. The purity cleaner and microdermabrasion is great...I love the hope in a jar. I haven't used the hope in a tube yet because at 25, I don't have problems with lines/wrinkles, yet. My face has cleared up alot...my advice is to go easy on the hope in a jar. If too much is applied, you will get a little greasy within a few hours. Overall, I really like it and will continue to use it.

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