Sunday, October 18, 2009

philosophy | soul owner | exfoliating foot cream

Product Description

philosophy:you need this product if...

  • you want super-sexy, super-soft feet
  • you want an overnight foot treatment that provides immediate results
  • you crave a cooling formula that relieves tired, puffy feet
  • you wear sandals throughout the year
  • you want a foot makeover
  • pregnant women should consult their physician before using this product because it contains salicylic acid

  • Product Details

    • Size: 3.3 ounce
    • Brand: philosophy

    Customer Reviews

    Finally something that actually works5
    I have been using this product for a little over a year (after trying everyone else's foot creams) and this is by far the best. It doesn't irritate the skin, has a nice eucalyptus smell and absorbs easily. I used to have problems with persistent cracking and dry feet but started using this and immediately the problem started to clear up. After that success I decided to make it a maintenance routine and now use it every other night before I go to bed.

    What's also nice is that you don't need a ton of product to get the job done. A little bit goes a long way so even though this one costs more than the drugstore brands, you don't have to use as much. In the end, you probably spend the same but get a superior product

    silky smooth feet can be yours!5
    By far the best foot cream I have ever used! I have tried several philosophy products and adore this brand - their products always produce results. I love the fresh spa-like smell and the fact that this cream is not greasy. After the first overnight application I saw a huge difference. Leaves feet looking great and feeling silky smooth and soft. A must try!

    Finally something that really works!5
    Living in the snowy, cold Northeast my feet are terrible in the winter. My heels get cracked and bleed at times. I use other Philosphy products and decided to give this try. After one week of using it every day after my shower (and using a exfoliating file) the improvement was dramatic! My heels now look perfect. I now use the prodcut about every other day to maintain. I tried so many products, even foot creams from Bath and Body, but this finally did the job. Worth every dime!

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