Saturday, October 10, 2009

Philosophy Purity Made Simple 24 oz

Product Details
  • Size: 24 oz
  • Brand: philosophy

Customer Reviews

Life Changer5
I've been using philosophy products for almost a year, and I've fallen in love with them. After reading the reviews, I thought that maybe sharing my experience would be helpful.

I'm 28 years old, and have oily, acne prone skin. I've been struggling with my skin since I was 13 years old, and have tried literally everything on the market.

On a whim, I bought Purity Made Simple, and noticed a difference the very first time I used it. My face felt clean...really, really clean...for the first time in ages. I had no real problems for the first few days, then around the end of the first week, I had a terrible breakout. Cystic acne, regular acne, you name it. It was awful. My first reaction was to stop using Purity, then I remembered the old adage, it gets worse before it gets better, and kept using it day and night. Keep in mind, at this time, Purity was only skin care product I used. About 10-14 days later, my skin starting looking better. My acne healed and my face looked...dare I say clear? I gradually started adding in other philosophy products and since that time, I've had maybe 1 pimple every 4 weeks, if that. My skin is soft, radiant, and clear. For the first time in my entire life, I can go out of the house with no makeup on. For me, it's been a miracle.

I've thrown away every other product I had in the bathroom, I'm a believer. I'm a philosophy girl through and through. I can't praise philosophy enough, and I encourage anyone to try it. Give it a chance to work, it'll change your life.

Worth the money5
I have used purity made simple for three months and love it! Yes, it is a bit more pricey but, I haven't even used half of an 8 ounce bottle. It definitely washes away my mascara, liner and all traces of foundation. I do not need a toner. I also follow with philosphy hope in a jar and my 47 year old skin has never looked better. I have had horrible breakouts since my preteen years and now the breakouts are becoming rare. I have also noticed an improvement in the size of the pores on my nose. I can't say enough good things about purity made simple. I highly recommed this to everyone.

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